Hourly CO2 Emission Factors and Marginal Costs of Energy Carriers in Future Multi-Energy Systems (Germany)

Dataset of emission factors and marginal cost for different energy carrier in Germany regarding the years 2020-2050 in the Start- and fuEL-Scenario of the Dynamis project.
Start-Scenario: Reference scenario, emission reduction in germany by 2050 compared to 1990: 65%
fuEL-Scenario: Climate protection scenario, emission reduction in germany by 2050 compared to 1990: 95%.
All additional information can be found in the paper. This research was conducted as part of the Dynamis project, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under grant no. 03ET4037A.



Average Value of Values

Spatial resolution:




Internal ID:

internal_id[1] = 1: parameter: Marginal cost in €/MWh
internal_id[1] = 2: parameter: Emission factor (mix), Allocation method: IEA
internal_id[1] = 3: parameter: Emission factor (mix), Allocation method: Carnot
internal_id[2] = 1: energy carrier: electricity
internal_id[2] = 2: energy carrier: district heating
internal_id[2] = 3: energy carrier: hydrogen
internal_id[2] = 4: energy carrier: liquid hydrocarbons
internal_id[2] = 5: energy carrier: methane
internal_id[3] = 1: scenario: Dynamis-Start
internal_id[3] = 2: scenario: Dynamis-fuEL

Publication date:


Publication licence:





Hourly CO2 Emission Factors and Marginal Costs of Energy Carriers in Future Multi-Energy Systems (Germany): https://opendata.ffe.de/dataset/dynamis-emission-factors/; München: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e. V. (FfE), 2019.



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