Final Energy Consumption of the Industry Sector – eXtremOS solidEU Scenario (Europe NUTS-0)

Final Energy Consumption of the Industry Sector for the eXtremOS solidEU Scenario at NUTS-0-Level. More information at




Spatial resolution:



2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, 2050

Internal ID:

internal_id_type[1] = 51: Final Energy Sector
internal_id[1] = 2: Industry

internal_id_type[2] = 16: Energy Carrier
internal_id[2] = 9: Hard Coal
internal_id[2] = 10: Lignite
internal_id[2] = 11: Natural Gas
internal_id[2] = 14: Waste
internal_id[2] = 15: Oil
internal_id[2] = 20: Coal
internal_id[2] = 21: Gas
internal_id[2] = 22: Renewable
internal_id[2] = 40: Peat
internal_id[2] = 41: Coke
internal_id[2] = 51: Coke Oven Gas
internal_id[2] = 72: Electricity
internal_id[2] = 162: Hydrogen
internal_id[2] = 180: Blast Furnace Gas
internal_id[2] = 335: Fuel oil (ISI)
internal_id[2] = 336: Other fossil fuels (ISI)
internal_id[2] = 337: Biomass (ISI)
internal_id[2] = 341: Waste non-RES (ISI)
internal_id[2] = 343: Renewable Fuels
internal_id[2] = 1101: Feedstock Gas
internal_id[2] = 1621: H2-feedstock
internal_id[2] = 1751: Feedstock naphtha
internal_id[2] = 1752: Feedstock methanol

internal_id_type[3] = 78: Application
internal_id[3] = 11: Space Heating
internal_id[3] = 12: Warm Water
internal_id[3] = 24: Lighting
internal_id[3] = 25: ICT
internal_id[3] = 221: Air Conditioning
internal_id[3] = 222: Process Cold
internal_id[3] = 231: Compressed Air
internal_id[3] = 232: Pumps
internal_id[3] = 233: Other Mechanical Energy
internal_id[3] = 2134: Process Heat > 500 °C
internal_id[3] = 3106: Process Heat < 100 °C
internal_id[3] = 3107: Process Heat 100 – 500 °C

internal_id_type[4] = 126: Industry Branch (Eurostat Nace)
internal_id[4] = 0: Industry (total)
internal_id[4] = 1: Iron & steel industry
internal_id[4] = 2: Chemical and Petrochemical industry
internal_id[4] = 3: Non-ferrous metal industry
internal_id[4] = 4: Non-metallic Minerals
internal_id[4] = 5: Transport Equipment
internal_id[4] = 6: Machinery
internal_id[4] = 7: Mining and Quarrying
internal_id[4] = 8: Food and Tabacco
internal_id[4] = 9: Paper, Pulp and Print
internal_id[4] = 10: Wood and Wood Products
internal_id[4] = 11: Construction
internal_id[4] = 12: Textile and Leather
internal_id[4] = 13: Non-specified (Industry)

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Publication date:


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