Levelized Costs of Hydrogen and System Size of Green Hydrogen Production (World MERRA-2)

Levelized Costs of Hydrogen and System Size of Green Hydrogen Production (World MERRA-2) – Supplementary Data in the context of the Article from Stephan Kigle et al.: ‘The Impact of Country-Specific Investment Risks on the Levelized Costs of Green Hydrogen Production’ to be published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy



see Internal ID

Spatial resolution:




Internal ID:

internal_id_type[1] = 57: Scenario
internal_id[1] = 93: BASE
internal_id[1] = 94: cWACC
internal_id[1] = 95: PVonly
internal_id[1] = 96: WINDonly

internal_id_type[2] = 233: System parameter of the green hydrogen production system
internal_id[2] = 1: LCOH – Levelized Cost of Hydrogen in €/kg
internal_id[2] = 2: PV Open – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 4: Wind very weak – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 8: Wind very strong – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 9: PEM Electrolyzer – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 13: Battery with 4 Energy/Power Ratio – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 14: H2 Compressor – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 17: H2 Tank Power Dispatch out (high pressure) – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 18: H2 Tank Power Store in (high pressure) – Nominal Power in MW
internal_id[2] = 19: H2 Tank Capacity Storage (high pressure) – Nominal Capacity in MWh

Publication source:

Stephan Kigle et al.: The Impact of Country-Specific Investment Risks on the Levelized Costs of Green Hydrogen Production

Publication date:


Publication licence:



© FfE, Trans4Real Project


Levelized Costs of Hydrogen and System Size of Green Hydrogen Production (World MERRA-2): https://opendata.ffe.de/dataset/levelized-costs-of-hydrogen-and-system-size-of-green-hydrogen-production-world-merra-2; München: FfE München, 2024.



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