Normalized Industrial Electrical Load Profiles (Germany)

Normalized Industrial Electrical Load Profiles (temporal resolution = 60 min) for the different industry branches (eurostat nace) in 2017. No space heating considered in these profiles.Profiles are (mainly) realized by linear regression, with real industrial load profiles as input. The underlying methodology for the calculation of the synthetic normed load profiles can be found in the following publication:

Ganz, Kirstin et al.: Wie können europäische Branchen-Lastgänge die Energiewende im Industriesektor unterstützen? In: et – Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Ausgabe 1/2, 2021, S. 79 – 81. München: Forschungsgesellschaft für Energiewirtschaft mbH (FfE), 2021.

Some remarks: Iron & steel industry and Paper, Pulp & Print are not calculated by linear regression. A mainly constant profile is assumed here. Non-metallic Minerals represent mainly smaller processes. This results from the real data sample that is used. Transport Equipment and Machinery is considered as one industry branch in the linear regression. Since no real load profiles were available for Wood & Wood Products, Construction, as well as Textile and Leather, the load profile of the non-specified industy is used.




Spatial resolution:




Internal ID:

internal_id_type[1] = 126: Industry Branch (Eurostat Nace)
internal_id[1] = 0: Industry (total)
internal_id[1] = 1: Iron & steel industry
internal_id[1] = 4: Non-metallic Minerals
internal_id[1] = 5: Transport Equipment
internal_id[1] = 6: Machinery
internal_id[1] = 7: Mining and Quarrying
internal_id[1] = 8: Food and Tabacco
internal_id[1] = 9: Paper, Pulp and Print
internal_id[1] = 10: Wood and Wood Products
internal_id[1] = 11: Construction
internal_id[1] = 12: Textile and Leather
internal_id[1] = 13: Non-specified (Industry)

Publication source:

Ganz, Kirstin et al.: Wie können europäische Branchen-Lastgänge die Energiewende im Industriesektor unterstützen? In: et – Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Ausgabe 1/2, 2021, S. 79 – 81. München: Forschungsgesellschaft für Energiewirtschaft mbH (FfE), 2021.

Publication date:


Publication licence:



© FfE, eXtremOS Project


Normalized Industrial Electrical Load Profiles (Germany):; München: FfE München, 2021.



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