NUTS-3 Europe (2013)

NUTS regions are administrative units in member states of the European Union, which make it possible to compare regions across countries. NUTS-3 regions are small regions (for specific diagnoses). In Germany, NUTS-3 regions correspond to the district level. The classification is updated regularly. Existing statuses: 2007,2013,2016,2021. Except for Germany, the data provided here is based on OpenStreetMap (2013). The German regions are based on the geometries of the districts according to Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (2017). On 2022-10-19 the dataset was updatet with topological corrections of the geometries.


Spatial resolution:


Publication date:

2021-12-13 (updated on 2022-10-19)

Publication license:

Europe: ODbl
Germany: GeoNutzV


Europe: © OpenStreetMap contributors
Germany: © GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017
Generalization: FfE München