How to
Structure of the page
The main usage of this page is the providing of datasets . These datasets are also associated with descriptive posts .
Search and Filter
You can filter posts and datasets by type, energy sources and projets or search for e.g. technical terms (e.g. solar).
On the dataset pages there are download buttons. The data is provided as JSON result.
Access via static file download
If you experience any problems with the API (description below), you can alternatively use our static file download and download all datasets directly as JSON files. The static file download is only available for datasets under the opendata endpoint (i.e. demandregio datasets are not available via static file download). Some datasets are very large in size! To avoid very large files, we provide the datasets grouped by id_opendata and year (if available) under the following URL scheme:
Use this scheme for datasets which are not published per year:
Use this scheme for files containing the metadata:
Dataset which is not published per year:
Access via API - API Definition
Additional to the download links and the static file download on the respective Posts we offer data download via API. The description of the API can be found below. You can also directly try out the endpoints here. We also provide a small example at the end of this page on how to fetch data from the API using Python.
Please note that some requests to large datasets might take a long while or fail after some time. This can be avoided by adding more query parameters and thus reducing the amount of data returned.
Access via API - Python Example
You can also access from Python. The following snippet provides a minimum working example to get you started.
# %% import requests url = "" params = { "id_opendata": 52, "internal_id_1": 75 } # check if the API is available by making a GET request to the /health endpoint response = requests.get(url + '/health') if not response.status_code == 200: print(f"API not available. Status code: {response.status_code}") print(response.json()) exit() print('API available.') # fetch the data by making a GET request to the 'opendata' endpoint # using the previously defined parameters response = requests.get(url + '/opendata', params=params) # check if the request was successful if not response.status_code == 200: print(f"Request failed. Status code: {response.status_code}.") print(response.json()) exit() print('Request successful.') # get the response as a dictionary data = response.json() # print some of the metadata print(f"id_opendata: {data['id_opendata']}") print(f"title: {data['title']}") # print the first three data entries for data_entry in data['data'][:3]: print(data_entry)