Regionalisation of the Final Energy Consumption in Europe

In the project eXtremOS bottom-up models of the final energy consumption were developed, to be used as input data for energy system analysis. The final energy consumption (FEC) of NUTS-0 will been published on an Europe-wide scale by eurostat /ECE-02 19/. The different final energy sectors, industry, private households, transport and services and the energy carrier are distinguished. By using further datasets like /ISI-12 17/, /ISI-102 16/, /ISI-05 18/, /ECE-03 17/ the final energy consumption per sector and energy carrier can be split into applications in the sectors private households, industry and services and into branches in the sectors industry and services. The spatial distribution of the final energy is highly essential for network simulations in the energy system analysis. Therefore, the final energy consumption is distributed over the country using a sector-specific regionalization. The methodology and results of the regionalization are described by each sector industry, private households, transport and services. The map below shows the final energy consumption per square kilometer of the NUTS-3-region in 2017.

Open Layers Open Data FfE Test

Density in MWh/km2
0 to <2.000
2.000 to <4.000
4.000 to <6.000
6.000 to <8.000
8.000 to ≤499.360
no data
Administrative Boundaries:
Europe: © OpenStreetMap contributors | Generalization: FfE e.V.

Figure 1: Regionalised final energy consumption in 2017 (Move your mouse over the regions to see absolute values)


ECE-02 19

Eurostat Energiebilanzen – Daten 2017 (Ausgabe 2019):; Luxemburg: European Commission – Eurostat, 2019.

ISI-12 17

Deliverable 3.1: Profile of heating and cooling demand in 2015:; Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), TEP Energy GmbH (TEP), University Utrecht ARMINES, 2017.

ISI-102 16

Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 – 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables) – Work package 1: Final energy consumption for the year 2012; Luxenburg: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Institute for Resource Efficiency and Energy Strategies GmbH (IREES), Observ’ERTU Wien – Energy Economics Group (EEG), TEP Energy GmbH (TEP), European Commission (EC), 2016.

ISI-05 18

Rohde, Clemens: Erstellung von Anwendungsbilanzen für die Jahre 2013 bis 2017 – Studie für die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen e.V. (AGEB). Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI), 2018.

ECE-03 17

Energy consumption in households:; Luxenburg: European Commission – Eurostat, 2017.
