≥16 to <500
500 to <1.000
1.000 to <1.500
1.500 to <2.000
2.000 to ≤144.012
no data
Europe: © OpenStreetMap contributors | Generalization: FfE e.V.
Figure 1: Regionalised final energy consumption of the sector transport in 2017 (Move your mouse over the regions to see absolute values)
EUST-04 15 |
Database on Energy – Energy statistics. Luxemburg in ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database (07.12.2015): Eurostat, European Union, 2015 |
ODY-01 17 |
Transport – Data in the EU-28: http://www.odyssee-mure.eu/; Angers: Odyssee, 2017. |
EMI-01 13 |
Transport data collection supporting the quantitative analysis of measures relating to transport and climate change (TRACCS); Thessaloniki: EMISIA SA, 2013. |
EPP-05 20 |
Eurostat: Bestand der Fahrzeuge nach Kategorie und NUTS-2-Regionen – [tran_r_vehst]. In: http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submitViewTableAction.do. (Abruf am 2020-05-20); Luxemburg: Eurostat, 2020. |