Regionalisation of the Final Energy Consumption of the Sector Transport in Europe

The final energy consumption of the transport sector in 2017 amount 31 % of the final energy consumption in the 27 EU member countries, Norway, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. The consumption per energy carrier is splitted into types of vehicles /EUST-04 15/ (tables: road_eqs_carpda, road_eqs_lormot, eurostat.tran_r_vehst), /ODY-01 17/, /MI-01 13/: passenger cars, trucks, busses and motorcycles. The number of vehicle types per NUTS-2-region /EPP-05 20/ published by Eurostat is used for the regional distribution. As this source is only available at NUTS-2-level, the population dataset is applied for generating shares at NUTS-3-level. The sum of all shares of NUTS-3 regions equal one. Finally the absolute amount of the final energy consumption in 2017 per energy carrier and type of vehicle is available per NUTS-3-region. In the map the relative values per square kilometer of all energy carriers and vehicle types are presented and the absolute values by using the mouse over.
Open Layers Open Data FfE Test

Density in MWh/km2
≥16 to <500
500 to <1.000
1.000 to <1.500
1.500 to <2.000
2.000 to ≤144.012
no data
Administrative Boundaries:
Europe: © OpenStreetMap contributors | Generalization: FfE e.V.

Figure 1: Regionalised final energy consumption of the sector transport in 2017 (Move your mouse over the regions to see absolute values)


EUST-04 15

Database on Energy – Energy statistics. Luxemburg in (07.12.2015): Eurostat, European Union, 2015

ODY-01 17

Transport – Data in the EU-28:; Angers: Odyssee, 2017.

EMI-01 13

Transport data collection supporting the quantitative analysis of measures relating to transport and climate change (TRACCS); Thessaloniki: EMISIA SA, 2013.

EPP-05 20

Eurostat: Bestand der Fahrzeuge nach Kategorie und NUTS-2-Regionen – [tran_r_vehst]. In: (Abruf am 2020-05-20); Luxemburg: Eurostat, 2020.
