European Application-oriented Energy and Emission Balances 12. August 2022 district heating | electric energy | fossile energy sources | other energy sources | renewable energy sources eXtremOS | TransHyDE-Sys View post
Load Profiles of the Residential Sector – Dynamis fuEL Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | district heating | electric energy | heating oil | natural gas | solarthermal energy Dynamis View dataset
Load Profiles of the Residential Sector – Dynamis Reference Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | district heating | electric energy | fossile energy sources | heating oil | natural gas | solarthermal energy Dynamis View dataset
Load Profiles of the Mobility Sector – Dynamis fuEL Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | diesel | electric energy | gasoline | hydrogen | kerosene | natural gas Dynamis View dataset
Load Profiles of the Mobility Sector – Dynamis Reference Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | diesel | electric energy | gasoline | hydrogen | kerosene | natural gas Dynamis View dataset
Load Profiles of the Industry Sector – Dynamis fuEL Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | coal | electric energy | hydrogen | mineral oil | natural gas | other energy sources Dynamis View dataset
Load Profiles of the Industry Sector – Dynamis Reference Scenario (Germany) 5. March 2020 biomass | coal | electric energy | mineral oil | natural gas | other energy sources Dynamis View dataset