We created European application-oriented energy and emission balances for a total of 30 European countries, as we found that the available primary data did not match the standards often required for in-depth analyses of final energy consumption and CO2-emissions of different countries. The data allows to differentiate by sector, industry branch, energy source and year in terms of final energy consumption. Regarding the emission balances, an addition distinction between emissions of final energy consumption and emission of energy source procurement can be made.
With the last update, we have improved our data processing and additionally added the latest data for 2018 and 2019, such that all data are now available for 2014 to 2019. The figure below shows which applications, sectors and energy sources are related with CO2-emissions of final energy consumption. Besides for analyses, the data can also be used as input for energy system models and others. An interactive map of each country’s consumption and emissions in high details for the year 2017 is available on http://countryprofiles.ffe.de/. A detailed methodological description can be found at https://extremos.ffe.de/model_landscape#european_balances.
Below the data can be downloaded in different aggregation levels.

Figure 1: Total energy-related CO2-emissions of the covered European countries differentiated by application, energy sector, energy source and type of emission (2017).